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FilmStew's blog has a recap of last night's "Hollywood's Master Storytellers" (cough,what the fuck?, cough) Q & A with director McG following a screening of Charlie's Angels. Apparently, it took some cajoling by Mr. G before noted cineaste Drew Barrymore would allow him behind the camera:

McG was put off time and time again by Charlie’s Angels big screen rights holder Drew Barrymore when a meeting was first scheduled. When she finally agreed to discuss the project with him, she made it clear at the outset she was not too thrilled about him on paper. But McG won her over.

Wow, that was a close call! Good thing McG had enough charm to close the deal, or else they'd have been forced to turn to some other overmatched music video director to direct the subtle masterpiece. Like Brett Ratner. McG's vision was merely annoying; had Angels fallen into Ratner's hands, we might've needed a time machine to repair the damage to cinematic history.