'Post' Media Section Shedding

First, Post books editor and columnist Sara Nelson departed to Publishers Weekly. She tells The Times that she's already making some plans for the 131 year-old publication:
"We are seriously planning substantial redesign of the whole magazine, and that includes several different possibilities for the cover"
So, expect to see a topless Jonathan Franzen with a man cupping his breasts from behind.
In other news, Post 'Media Ink' columnist Keith Kelly ditched his signature mustache.
We'll miss Mr. Kelly's authoritative facial hair, but we're sure his media coverage will remain unchanged.
UPDATE: An alert Post reader tells us Mr. Kelly lost the 'stache long ago. Well, if we ever hung out anymore, we might've known. Keith, we miss you, man. Fondue at your place, Saturday?
The Winds of Change Are Felt at Publishers Weekly [NYT]
Been There, Dunne That [NYP]