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· Failed democratic presidential candidate Wesley Clark is is reportedly working on a sitcom based on his civilian life. And so primetime entertainment continues its slow and torturous death. [ELK]
· Page Six announces the winners of its annual Sixy Awards. Tara Reid predictably snags the Over-Sixposed award and Harvey Weinstein wins for Six Cases Of Slimfast. [Page Six]
· Related: Jeannette Walls hands out her 2004 Scoopy Awards but wrongly gives the Breast of the Year award to Janet Jackson and not Tara Reid. [Scoop]
· If you dare to fail Ben Widdicombe's 2004 Gossip Quiz, we'll be forced to feed you to our interns. [Gatecrasher]
· Censors are put to work on editing season 2 of everyone's favorite reality show, Growing Up Gotti. Unfortunately, they're only cleaning up Victoria's language and not her sons' appearances. [R&M]