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In this week's edition: Donatella Versace, Spike Lee, Emmy Rossum, Scarlett Johansson, Hillary Clinton, Monica Lewinsky, Kirsten Dunst, Barbara Walters, Jenna Bush, Chelsea Clinton and Ian Klaus, Joan Collins, Al Goldstein, Jon Favreau, Chad Lowe, Keri Russell, Marla Maples and little Tiffany, the Flaming Lips with Adam Goldberg, Kevin Dillon, Amanda Peet, Drew and Fab, Julianne Moore, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Cam'ron, Rosie Perez, Jim McGreevey, Sean Lennon, Leelee Sobieski, Eddie Kay Thomas, Joan Allen, Michael Imperioli, Will Arnett and Amy Poehler, Jason Schwartzman, Samm Levine, Marc Maron, Donald Faison, JD Samson, Jesse Bradford, Michael Learned, Peter Strauss, Scott Foley and John Norris.

Christmas came a day early. I was at Barneys on the 24th in the afternoon, downstairs doing some last-minute Xmas shopping for myself. Also there was none other than Donatella Versace. She was accompanied by some boy-toy (I thought she was still married to her gay husband???) and a large bodyguard. She's lost a lot of weight, wonder what "diet" she's been on. I think seeing her ass in a bikini in US Weekly may have also had something to do with it. She's had way too much sun and the lips put Meg Ryan to shame. She was however very nice to the salespeople. Also, on Boxing Day I was enjoying an annual lunch with friends at Bilboquet when we noticed some commotion across the street. Two paparazzi were following someone into Club Macanudo. Their quarry turned abruptly and it was Spike Lee who didn't look very happy as he got into a Mercedes station wagon, they wouldn't let him leave right away, and he looked pissed. All in all, a Christmas miracle.

Saw that girl from Phantom of the Opera (Emmy Rossum) today in front of the Urban Outfitters in Noho. She was on her cell phone and looked annoyed... probably because a Japanese tourist was taking pictures of her.

I was at bungalow 8 on new years eve - next in line for the bathroom - when an entourage walks over a very petite beautiful Scarlett Johansson. Just when they were about to kick me out of line so she can be escorted in - she so kindly declines and demands me to go without hesitation. She was very sweet and not a typical Hollywood snob. I only wish I could wear a thrown up pony tail, beat up tight jeans and some new high boots and look as cute and radiant in person as she did. Another day in the life of a Hollywood it girl i guess! Also peeps I saw there were LeeLee Sobieski - she is very odd looking, Eddie Kaye Thomas - American Pie - so cute and Sean Lennon - always a Bungalow fan favorite.

On New Year's Day at the Metropolitan Opera matinee (I wasn't hung over and the opera was FABulous! - Rodelinda w/ Renee Fleming), I was waiting for the elevator at the parterre level (the first balcony). A bunch of people got off a very crowded car, among others, a very blonde bouffant Hillary Clinton. Presumably Chelsea was w/ her, but I didn't notice. I would have noticed Bill, so he wasn't there. We were all surprised they didn't clear the elevator for her.

Milling around the big movie theater complex up by Lincoln Center on Saturday afternoon was Monica Lewinski. She was alone and looked terrified, wearing this big brown mumu. She is enormous.

LAX to JFK on American Airlines on the red eye on 12/26. Kirsten Dunst was in first class. These high school girls saw her and wanted to say hi but the flight attendents kept them back. But then after deplaning, I heard a familiar squeal from Bring It On and I saw that she was meeting her friend near the exit so everyone saw her and started saying hi. She seemed friendly and very bubbly for 3am.

Saw lil' Barbara Walters buying a ton of DVDs at Best Buy on 86th and Lex. Not sure if One Night in Paris anything of note was in the stack...After standing in a way effin long line, Baba Wawa paid with a credit card and the cashier asked her for ID. Genius!

jenna bush walking in to a nolita boutique and then thirty minutes later chelsea clinton walking in. chelsea and boyfriend (ian klaus) proceeded to eat at cafe habana sitting by the window.

Today I saw Joan Collins at Saks, looking positively radiant! She wore a long, baby blue coat with a rather large russian fur hat, also in blue. Her male companion inquired where the cafe was and she thanked me for him with a very pleasant, "thank you, dear." what a far cry from the bitch she played on "Dynasty!"

I spotted the gastrically-bypassed and recently non-homeless Al Goldstein on the uptown M2 bus Tuesday morning. He got on at 23rd and Park. Decked out in a full length shearling coat and carrying a laptop case and a small duffel, he looked pretty good. Instead of giving a "F**k You" to the driver, he cheerily said "Happy Holidays" upon exiting at 42nd St.

Jon Favreau checking out of the Millenium Hotel and loading luggage into a black SUV. Good point: I waited to see if he would tip the guy helping him with the luggage and he did (and seemed really nice about it). Bad point: he was really old blue sweatpants.

Couple of sightings over the weekend at Equinox. First was a repeat of Chad Lowe doing Power Pilates. It's nice to see him still proudly sporting a wedding ring. Second was Keri Russell doing (you guessed it) Pilates with an unidentifiable female companion. I gotta say, even in messy workout mode she really is just so naturally pretty. She also has the most amazinging head of hair I've ever seen on a women! Gorgeous!

Was at the horrific, terrifying, The Shining-esque Tavern on the Green for a company party last week and we were seated two tables away from Marla Maples, another thin blonde wearing a hat that looked like a black trash bag, and the very unfortunate young Tiffany Trump/Maples, who seemed happy enough despite the ugliness of her parentage. Can't wait to see her making out with Tallulah Willis/Moore in about 5 years.

At dinner last night in a Chinatown we noticed we were sitting next to the Flaming Lips, fresh off their MSG 2005 segue ("fuck yeah 2005!"). Upon closer glance, we noticed they were joined by none other than Adam Goldberg aka the Hebrew Hammer! When we regaled our friend with a round of happy birthday, the table was kind enough to join in, Wayne Coyne's patented fist-pumping and all!

was on the subway on new years eve when who should get on but kevin dillon. he was kind of fidgeting like he was waiting for someone to recognize him - some guy finally made some comment about the show when he got off the train at 14th street, which seemed to placate him. i have to say though, he's surprisingly attractive in person - beautiful eyes.

Jan 1: Saw Amanda Peet in line at the movies on 19th and Broadway. She was wearing glasses and pink sweatpants with Uggs (ugh) and standing arm and arm with a girlfriend/sister-type. Later that evening, spotted the incredible shrinking Drew (skinnier every time I see her) and Fab at the Virgin store in Union Square.

last night my father called me to say he'd been at the spotted pig earlier this week and saw "that moore woman" (julianne moore) and the "girl from secretary" (maggie gyllenhaal). apparently maggie sat next to him, is quite friendly and renovating in the west village. how my father finds these things out, i don't know, but he once also hung out w/ britney spears in a german hotel bar for a 1/2 hour, so go figure.

saw cam ron at about 2:45pm new years eve sitting in his pink range rover (which he reportedly tried to auction off for $180,000) parked in front of manhattan motorcars (the really expensive auto dealer) probably waiting on delivery of a few new bentleys. he's hot. that's hot. ummm, yeah.

I saw Rosie Perez at the Barnes & Noble in Park Slope the afternoon of 12/24. She was in a long parka, was wearing sunglasses inside, and was on her cell phone much of the time. She's tiny and her voice— from what I heard of it— didn't have that distinctive sound for which she's known. And there was no need for the sunglasses. No one noticed her— there was way too much last-minute Christmas shopping going on and a line that took up much of the store.

Former NJ governor (and "gay American") Jim McGreevey, at the 11pm Christmas Eve service at St. Bart's Episcopal Church on Park Ave. With his wife and (presumably) family members in tow.

Wed, Dec. 29th, 1:00 PM Sony Lincoln Sq. Theater, Joan Allen patiently waiting on line with what seemed like thousands of unemployed New Yorkers. Wearing no make-up whatsoever, dressed down in jeans and boots she looked gorgeous. I know what you're saying: Joan Allen! And I say yes. She paid for her tickets which was odd given that her SAG card probably would admit her and a guest to any movie playing.

Saw Michael Imperioli outside Spiritoso Restaurant on McLean Ave. in Yonkers Thursday evening. Michael was impatiently waiting for the limo for him and presumably his family members who were in tow. Michael snazzy in a dark tie and gray overcoat paced back and forth before heading back inside the restuarant. Meanwhile, a small army of young Yonkahs Guidettes quickly descended upon the front of the restaurant. Before ducking in to the tardy silver Lincoln Town Car, Michael graciously signed autographs for the pubescent throng and sheepishly waved to an idiot in a passing car who yelled out, "Chris-tu-fuh, you rock!" (OK, that was me.)

Saw Will Arnett from Arrested Development (he plays Gob, the older brother magician) at Jerry's in Soho for lunch with Amy Poehler from SNL. Remember when they were married for one night on Arrested? I think they were eating with her mother, for that's what it looked like. He's super hot in person, very tall. She was wearing a blue t shirt from Urban Outfitters over a long sleeved pink shirt.

Saw Jason Schwartzman ("I Heart Huckabees," "Rushmore") on Saturday afternoon, perusing the men's section at the 5th Avenue H&M. He was looking very dapper in a nice argyle sweater and blazer, but I was confused as to why he was so enthralled with the JC Penny-esque pre-packaged shirt and tie combos. Maybe saving a few pennies in case "Bewitched" is a bomb.

Spotted Samm Levine — the beloved Neal Schweiber from Freaks & Geeks — at Sweetwater Tavern in Williamsburg on New Year's Eve. He was on his way out, so sadly no opportunity to get all superfan on him. He looked strangely adult (I guess he is these days), and was with two pretty normal lookin' young ladies.

walking on st. mark's...noon-ish yesterday (12/30). walk past mark maron, standup comedian, guest on the now defunct tough crowd, and commentator on various vh1 shows. he was with a tall blond...wife perhaps?

I spotted Donald Faison of Scrubs and Clueless fame, yesterday evening aroung 5. He was on 40th Street in Times Square, holding hands with an attractive blonde. He was loud, yelling to his friend behind him to hurry up, he said something about heading to 7th avenue.

a very, very cool looking jd samson from le tigre at dumont in brooklyn, new years eve dinner, perhaps with the rest of le tigre, I couldn't see. felt the urge to brake out into "my my metrocard."

I was walking uptown on Broadway right around Grand Street when Jesse Bradford (Kirsten Dunst's love interest from "Bring it On") passed me going downtown. He had about a week's worth of stubble, and was dressed like a member of Good Charlotte. He was with a buddy who was similarly attired.

December 31st — saw Mama Walton, aka Michael Learned, waiting for a table at City Diner, corner of 90th and Broadway. Spotted her just after seeing Peter Strauss (former King of Movies of the Week) strolling up Broadway at 82nd. Both looked fine for fine old thangs... both had clearly had help from either a Beverly Hills or Upper East Side surgeon.

Saw Scott Foley (Noel from Felicity) on the L train today, Christmas Eve with a pretty girl. They got off at the Bedford stop. I was trying to eavesdrop but couldn't hear much as I didn't want to look obvious turning off my ipod.

John Norris, of MTV demi-fame, was hustled out of his booth at Better Burger in Chelsea by an old man wearing an baseball hat at lunch today (30th). Quite peeved, Norris slung his MTV2 messenger bag over his shoulder and huffed out.