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Back when we published a daily interview here we paraded out book/writer types left and right. Maybe that's why we killed the feature. One leftover that never got posted is from Daniel Maurer who's been an editor-type at Grove/Atlantic the last 4 years. Instead of his interview, we offer this exclusive analysis he conducted of New York Daily News headlines since 1997 and what it takes to get killed in them.

Things You Can Get KILLED OVER/FOR, According to New York Daily News Headlines Since 1997
The Thrill of It
Only $49
[Your] Camcorder
[Your] Kindness
[Your] SUV
Being Gay
Braid Debt
[Your] Crucifix
The Baby in [Your] Womb
A Wolf Whistle
[Your] Trendy Jacket
Chinese Takeout
A Dice Game
A TV Guide

Things you can get SLAIN OVER/FOR:
[Your] Cell Phone
A Hoops Game
[Your] Bike
[Your] Electric Bill
[Your] Gold Chain
A Cig at the Fulton Mall

Things you can get SHOT OVER/FOR:
A Look
Your Cheap Gold Chain

Things you can be STABBED OVER/FOR:
Your Gold Ring
Your Coats

Daniel Maurer's non-fiction and humor has appeared on McSweeney's, Nerve, and many others. He's a regular contributor to Yankee Pot Roast.