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Speaking of books, how much would you bid for Ann Coulter's How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must)? If the answer is somewhere between stick of gum and McDonald's Happy Meal then check out the listing on eBay from a poor college graduate just looking for beer money. He says:

I absolutely HATE Anne Coulter, she's a despicable person and looks like a tranny having a bad hair day...and while you're at it, learn to put on eye-liner without smudging it all over your face for chrissakes. Ugh, what a psychotic skwak.

Put in a bid and think of the priceless moment when you watch her book slowly burn in your fireplace. [eBay Listing]

CORRECTION: The seller is female and will be using the money to buy a bottle of red wine, not beer. Adjust your bids accordingly.