Today's media edition of Page Six Blind Items produced more fire than lit matches in a Conde Nast bathroom. We're beginning to think Bonnie Fuller should be receiving royalty checks at this point and that perhaps she has the words "blind item" tatooed on her ass cheeks. Read on as we separate the names from the comments for item #2 in mix-n-match fashion since everyone thinks all downtown publishers are cokewhore thieves.

· WHICH jobless spouse of a hated editrix threatened her former boss with bodily harm when they met on a ski lift line in Utah? The hotheaded hubby accused the publishing poobah of planting stories about his wife in the press...
You said: Bonnie Bonnie Bonnie Fuller. We guess this was more like a 20/20 Item.

· WHICH publisher of a downtown rag has been financing his lavish lifestyle for years by siphoning money from his publication? Recent investors were irate when they audited the books and found mountains of unpaid debts to writers and outrageous charges to the company expense account.
You said: David Hershkovitz of Paper Mag, Marvin Scott Jarrett of Nylon, Jason Binn of Gotham, Evan Schindler of Black Book, Russ Smith of NY Press, Observer guy, Maer Roshan, Peter Brandt of Interview, and most brilliantly summed up by one of you, "all of them."
Stream-Of-Consciousness Comments: He looks swanky, the rest of his staff lives on pennies and peanuts. Lives the life. It's the only downtown rag that's been published for years. He's a cranky prick who will maybe get to be in the big house with Martha. He travels all over the world and has a fetish for highly expensive collectible sneakers. Most of the money went up his nose. He has yet to pay writers for stories submitted two years ago. More recently he probably billed month long vacations in Mustique to the company acccount in the name of a location scout or some BS like that. He's the kind of guy who thinks plane tickets and vacations for his wife and her platoon of sycophantic, IQ-draining, gum snapping friends is a necessary business expense, you know, like computers and staplers.

Just Asking [Page Six]