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Amy Alkon points us in the direction of California's new Megan's Law website—and it couldn't BE more fun! It's like Friendster for the molester set! And you just know the new sex offender registry has caused a panic on the lots right now; somewhere, as we speak, a producer is eyeing an auditioning teen...

But really, we've never quite figured Megan's Law out: sex offenders, their pictures, and their home addresses are listed for all to see on the internets—and yet it's a crime to harass them? But what else would Valley denizens actually do with this information? It's particularly rather useless since, as the site admits, 90% of sex crimes against children aren't committed by strangers, and nearly 50% of those crimes are committed by family members. We figure the other 50% are committed by the Dodgers. Or the Baldwins.