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Drudge's headline just about sums it up for us. Sri Lankan officials report that no dead animal corpses were found in the wake of the tsunami disaster leaving them to believe animals have a "sixth sense" and knew to seek higher ground. This is in sharp contrast to all the media outlets who lack a sense of moral decency and usually take the lower road. After the jump we provide a rundown of the more sensational aspects ("where are all the celebrities??") of the tsunami tragedy coverage sent in by you, the readers, under the guise of media criticism.

Celebrities Among Victims of Tsunami [AP/Yahoo]

Oprah's Gay Designer Survives Tsunami [CNN]
(He was with Fernando Bengoechea, a photographer.)

Even in Malaysia the cover story is the survival of a radio DJ [Malay Mail via]

Tucker Carlson on CNN interviews Stuart Sipkin, Seismologist, U.S. Geological Survey and asks the question that strikes fear in all of us.

CARLSON: Now what about, we've been hearing all day about this volcano in the Canary Islands that may collapse at some point and send a tsunami toward the East Coast of the United States drowning the Hamptons. Do you consider that a likely scenario, a possible scenario?

Devastating Tsunami Kills Tens of Thousands in South Asia [CNN via Wonkette]


"New York Post: also has a cover that reads paradise lost and the travel section has a subhead reading paradise found."

"The main story on CNN has a picture of young Karl Nilsson - a blond boy from Sweden who was vacationing with his parents who are presumed dead from the Tsunami. This is the second time they've featured a picture of the kid on Betcha he becomes the official poster child of the Tsunami. Figures it takes a blonde haired, blue eyed kid to bring home the death of tens of thousands of brown babies."

"CNN/Drudge Body Count Race finally caught up with Drudge: 60,000. Approaching 70,000. It is like a telethon. Let's keep those numbers up folks! 10,000-30,000, hey Drudge 60,000. Call 555-1212 and donate!"

Finding A Silver Lining []

Briton surfed his way to Maldives safety [Ireland Online]

Clarification from earlier post: "The FOX cap on the cover of yesterday's New York Post was not the Fox News/Stations logo, but of Fox MX (Motocross) gear, which I believe is not yet owned by the Murdoch empire. Still, as semi-subliminal eyeball reinforcements go, it probably helped get the picture chosen for the cover."

Previously: More Questionable Tsunami Coverage [Gawker]