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Many thanks to the reader who took our request seriously and attended the Slavic Soul Party in Brooklyn Tuesday night. It's important these days for everyone to show some international community spirit, especially when beer and brass instruments are involved. JM of Park Slope reviews the festive scene after the jump.

I live a block away from Barbes where the Slavic Soul Party was hosted tonight. So I felt obligated to attend on Gawker's behalf. The Slavic Soul Party happens every Tuesday night and was a 6 person brass band: two trombones, tuba, clarinet/sax, trumpet and a drummer.

The music was enthusiastic, the musicians using the whole space to get the crowd involved. The performance space is in the back and is partially walled off so the main bar room stays a bit quieter. Balkans all night long it's easy to escape into the main room.

Suggested donation of $8. For those of you who have never been to Barbes it's a block west of the 7th avenue F stop on 9th street in Brooklyn, smallish hipster bar with a wine list and your typical selection of draft beers and the like. Worth checking out next Tuesday.