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Despite the rain—uh, and completely foul weather today—traffic is but a forgotten memory this vacation week. Still nothing does us right like a little road rage on Fountain, recounted on

Apparently, the Hummer coming the other direction thought we were going too slow and decided to flash his brights at us— for about 30 seconds. One thing led to another, and this ridiculous driver followed us home. Eventually, I had to call 911 because this person was threatening us, etc. etc. Pretty standard LA stuff, especially coming from a driver of a Hummer, but when I called, just to be safe, I was immediately put on hold and told by a recording that my call was not an emergency. Somehow, I guess, this magical machine knew that we were not yet being pummeled by this huge, disgusting idiot.

When did everyone in SoCal turn into such wusses? Back in my day, when dudes in monster trucks followed us home to kill us, we just turned the trannies armed with baseball bats loose on 'em. LA is so soft now, what with this newfangled (and apparently non-working) 911 service.