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Open All Night reports on the charitable holiday activities of local recording artists:

At a clothing drive at the Bowery Mission on Thursday, we got into a philosophical discussion when 50 Cent sat down to autograph posters for the homeless clients. Someone whispered to us, "They'll sell them [autographs] on e-Bay." "But if these people are homeless, do they have access to computers?" we wondered. "Ah, but do they have walls to hang the posters on?" came the reply.

White rockers from the tri-state area - including Jon Bon Jovi, John Mayer and Matchbox Twenty's Rob Thomas - did their work in the suburbs and performed for patients at Blythedale Children's Hospital in Valhalla, NY.

Related: Citing security concerns, John Mayer is sent to the Headmaster's office at a ceremony thrown by his alma mater in the rough-and-tumble Fairfield, CT. Mayer's school bars him from Hall of Fame ceremony [CNN]