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The January issue of GQ goes on sale tomorrow but we offer a sneak peak at a boffo interview with actress Kate Bosworth, star of the box office hits "Blue Crush" and "Win a Date with Tad Hamilton." She also dates Orlando Bloom. Up to speed? Great. She apparently also dispenses wisdom like a gas station snack machine. With a nod to the much-forwarded "Deep Thoughts From Supermodels" from about ten years ago, GQ displays Kate's own necklace of wisdom pearls in a manner that leaves us wondering why they're being so mean. And then why the swimsuit photos? Is this the new ironic sexism? Perhaps it's the gay editors who can't stand pretty actresses or the lonely straight guys who want to hate-fuck them. Either way, here's a sampling of Kate's quick-takes after the jump.

"God, I'm hot from that tea. Woo. All the sudden, I'm like, woo, warm! That actually happens to me if I have a hot drink? Yeah, yeah."

"Great Danes are just, like, so great, aren't they? They're just, like, big dogs! I know! Yeah, yeah, Great Danes are great. Oh, my God, they just so are."

"There was just a study done actually, I saw it on Regis and Kelly, I can't remember how many hours a year a person uses being in their car in L.A., but it s, like, a lot of time."

"It's amazing. Because if you, like, have everybody taking ten minutes a day and really focusing on, like, positivity and a better world and a better self, like, imagine all that, just all that positivity going out there?"

"It's so weird how life works out. I never would have imagined all of this. Like, never. When I was a little kid, I wanted to be a waitress on roller skates."