Defamer Predictions: Disaster Movies To Make Opportunistic Comeback

Yeah, we know what you're thinking, you sickos. Just like with the sale of No True Glory: The Battle for Fallujah earlier this month (Harrison Ford attached, natch)—even though we can guarantee no one will remember where or what Fallujah is in two years—we know you're in the "home office" storming your little brains right this second.
We'll be watching in the coming months for opportunistic script sales with inventive titles like... Tidal Wave? Tsunami? Uh... Big Water? Wherever there are tens of thousands of dead people and a few million people homeless, we know that the first instinct in Hollywood is to lend a helping hand by helping yourself with a tasty topical deal. And yes, totally: of course you can figure out how to work a love interest between a hot female surfer and a patient "native" fellow on the beaches of Phuket into your spec of Tidal Wave: Thailand.