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The LAT forces poor staff writer Mary McNamara to drive into John Travolta's fly-in community in Ocala, Florida. What, couldn't they get her a small plane? Travolta, like a loose marble, seems to roll to the corners of the country—his other residences are in Brentwood and on an island in Maine—but he keeps the kids' minds clean no matter where they alight:

For the three months or so they live in Los Angeles, Ella and Jett attend a Scientology-based school their parents helped found. In Ocala, where they spend half the year, they are home-schooled, in part because their father's schedule is erratic and in part to keep their education in line with the tenets of Scientology.

How do we put this without an annoying legal letter from the Scientologists? Though it's quite a realistic portrait of a loving father, one gets just the slightest sense that if Travolta were a janitor, or, you know... poor, Child Protective Services would be all over those kids.