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The holiday spirit has invaded Craigslist and, well, it's exactly what you'd expect:

Damn Jews
What the fuck is with all the Jews in my town?! I come back here a couple times a year from Chicago to visit my family and there's no Christmas shit up, just a bunch of vapid, colorless, vanilla, PC "snowflakes" or other non-offensive Jew-sensitive decorations. I mean, god forbid we insult the people whose distant relatives might have been incinerated in the Holocaust. Jeezus.

Fucking people...

this is in or around Short Hills

His concern for the future of Christmas decorations is sweet, isn't it? Another Craigslist user reponds:

Re: Damn Jews
you must be an idiot...the reason there are no christmas decorations in that town is because it's pertty [sic] much ALL JEWS YOU MORON...nearly that whole town is of the richest towns in the country, that should've told you right there...

and if that's not enough for you, what waspy yuppie fuck is gonna be putting christmas decorations on their multi-million dollar house??? when would rich people ever be bother with decorating their houses?? i'm not sure that's something you can pay someone to do...

More Holiday Cheer [TOTC]