Sightings are sent in by readers; send yours to

In this edition: Josh Hartnett, Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony, Bill Murray, Christina Ricci, Noel Gallagher, Mike Meyers, Uma Thurman, Parker Posey (she's finally returned!!!), Nick Valensi, Frank McCourt, Carolina Herrera, David Schwimmer, Joey Slotnik. Fran Drescher, Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara, Michael Richards, Justin Theroux, Amy Poehler, John Sayles, Steve Buscemi, Tory Burch, Tom Cavanagh, Michael Stipe, Julianne Moore, Bart Freundlich, Molly Sims, Derek Jeter, Steve Dunleavy, Joe Torre, Alec Baldwin, Chloe Sevigny, and Hal Sparks.

I was in soho on wednesday, in front of the apple store, listening to josh hartnett on the phone with a girl name ellen talking about her surgery and hoping she is fine. letting her know he will be back home for chirstmas. then he assured her that Daria is not someone he is dating she is just a friend. they were talking about hanging out when he got home and that he bought her a really nice xmas present but wouldnt tell her what it was (he had boxes from apple store, so who knows), he kept laughing, "I'm not telling you." It was sweet. Then it was weird becuase he sounded like he was trying to convince her that Daria was not someone he dates and the two of them are just friends, nothing more.

J-Lo shops L.I. apparently. Shopped next to her in Anthropologie on Glen Cove Rd. Marc Anthony (who once told my friend she was the most beautiful stripper he'd ever seen) was in tow.

Was standing in the doorway of the Aveda store at Time Warner Center Shopping Mall today (oops - I forgot - not supposed to call it a "mall") when I heard a familiar voice behind me. Turned around and it was Bill Murray in a trench coat and red baseball cap (his facial pockmarks look much better in person) with a scruffy looking 30 something guy and a fairly attractive girl. I went into Aveda to grab my mom (who is visiting from Ohio) but she was still paying so we couldn't truly stalk him. But I was able to point out his red hat to her as he was walking into the CNN store (what the hell could he be buying in there???)

was at barney's co-op on 18th around 3 o'clock doing last minute christmas shopping. i know it's tuesday, but all i was seeing was wednesday, wednesday addmas that is. oh yes, miss christina ricci was there ... all 95 pounds of her. her hair look immaculate and shiny and her dog was just adorable. (big black dog with white paws) ... am saddened to admit that she was perfectly pleasant with all the staff, but her wallet was pretty grungy. maybe she she look into a more mainstream flick for her next job?

Tuesday, December 21st: Saw Christina Ricci on the corner of 7th Avenue and 12th Street. She was carrying a Barney's Coop bag and walking a large dark dog. She looked fab, forehead and all.

As I was unfortunately walking through a miserably crowded Times Square on Saturday afternoon, I nearly bumped right into Noel Gallagher from Oasis on Seventh Ave and 47th Street. He was with some blond woman who I didn't recognize, but I was too busy staring at Noel to really pay her any attention.

We then hopped on the subway to do some shopping in the Village, and while trying to find a taxi in the pouring rain, I bumped umbrellas with Mike Myers on Bleecker by 6th Ave (hmm... on his way to Da Silvano perhaps?)

Saw Uma Thurman—looking all tall and wintry in a puffy parka tonight at the Rhinecliff Amtrak platform picking up shorter, dark haired man from the 7:10 out of Grand Central (proceeded to canoodle with said man). She drives a German station wagon.

Last night while having dinner at Spice on University Place my friendnoticed that Parker Posey was sitting across from us. She was dining with a blond man with buzz cut and lumberjack shirt and she was wearing an ugly eighties type sweater and lots of mascara. She looked cute, although didn't seem to happy when everyone started staring at her.

Saw Nick Valensi walking down 4th Ave. b/w 13th and 14th Sts. on the frigidly cold Monday evening around 6 p.m. He wasn't super bundled up, so still recognizable. Tall, skinny, hair grown out a bit—an absolute cutie pie!

I was waiting for the A-C-E at West 4th Street Tuesday night when I noticed an older couple horsing around a bit on the platform. I quickly realized the gentleman was none other than Frank McCourt. He looked to be in fine form and was wearing a handsome tweed overcoat. It's cool to see this former ragamuffin/schoolteacher is still a fan of public transit, despite all his mad cash money.

Just saw uber-designer Carolina Herrera shopping up a storm in the Bolton's on 86th and Madison (don't ask). She seemed to be enjoying herself, talking a mile a minute in spanish and scooping up the goodies

David Schwimmer getting soup at Hale & Hearty soup co in the Chelsea Market last night @ 6pm. He had really bad skin

Don't know if this qualifies for your gawker stalker but was walking on Christopher Street yesterday and I see Dr. Merrill [Joey Slotnik] from Nip/Tuck and David Schwimmer outside of a theatre talking to two girls. Got a good laugh as it was a pretty random combination.

Don t laugh, but I was sitting about ten feet away from an almost mind-boggingly hot Fran Drescher at last night s Murray Hill on Ice show at Fez Granted, it /was/ dark but not only was she *stunning* in fashionably-distressed jeans and a silky rhinestone-embellished tank top, but her youthful, Bobbi Flekman-esque appearance (with little discernable make-up, no less) was enough to launch my entire table into frenzied, oohing-and-ahhing disbelief ( She was in Saturday Night Fever! Didn t she have lady-parts cancer? She CAN T be 50 ). Eh, whatever the truth is, homegirl looks GOOD but I do have one tiny little note for the Nanny: it may be downtown, but Fez is still the theatre so next time, turn the cell phone OFF (and for crapping out loud, don t take calls during the show).

12/23 — just witnessed a lunchtime marital spat between comedy royalty jerry stiller and anne meara (parents of ben, for people born after the ed sullivan show was cancelled) at the viand coffee shop on broadway @ 75th st. in between suck-up visits to their table from various waiters, meara lit into stiller for his compulsive behavior and barely made eye contact with the guy. hey folks, you're famous — do your bickering at home!

While volunteering at Love your Tree, I spotted Kramer [Michael Richards] at ABC Carpet & Home. He was curious about the Red Tent, a space restricted for women as part of Eve Ensler's Love Your Tree installation.

I saw a very petite but very hot Justin Theroux cross the street today led by two pit bullish looking doggies. Pouring rain, all in black, hood up, cigarette dangling from his lips and a large closed umbrella propped over his shoulder like a hobo stick.

I saw Amy Poehler at the holiday market in Union Square this afternoon (12/23). I stopped in my tracks and stared, and started shrieking Rick, Rick, Rick, Rick, Rick. In my head, of course, but she must have heard because she looked nervous and walked the other way.

Sat behind John Sayles, keepin' it real on the #126 bus to Hoboken after the Pixies show 12/14.

Saw Steve Buscemi at the early Pixies show on Saturday 12/18. He seemed to be alone standing by the soundboard. He did have to subject himself to the camera phone picture by some dad with his teen sons who were also camped out there.

Was shopping at Marchand de Legumes (the fun Japanese toy gadgety store) over on Elizabeth Street on Sat. and spotted New York socialite/designer/philanthropist TORY BURCH with huge black Dior sunglasses and cute leopard print zip up winter vest — not an exciting spotting, but riveting nonetheless... spoke an octave higher than everyone else in the tiny ass store and exclaimed upon seeing a vintage Gucci bag for sale "OH IVE GOTTA GET THIS FOR POOKIE - IT CAN BE AN EVERDAY BAG FOR HER TO CARRY TO SCHOOL! - I MEAN IT'S ONLY $350!!! She screeched to her other fake blond friend (it sounds like she has cheesy pet names for every one of her kids)...truly disgusting display of wealth and friend pointed out that she looked really wrinkly up close.

Saw adorable Tom Cavanagh from Ed walking down Broadway around 66th last night (12/20). Then saw John Slattery (Ed s nemesis Dennis in the fight for Carol s love) sitting in the Starbuck s window today on 6th and 22nd St. They are both v. v. handsome.

I saw Michael Stipe at the MOMA Design Store on Spring Street last Friday. He was walking around the lower level, checking out furniture and books. He was dressed like a rich hobo (grungy jacket, hoodie and jeans) and did not have a dirty old man aroma.

Saw Julianne Moore and her husband Bart Freundlich walking in the snow around the corner of Washington and West 11th on Sunday night. She looked miserable cold, but still beautiful. I also saw Mike Meyers walking alone down west 4th around Charles street Friday night. We passed and made eye contact but I couldn't think of anything clever to say.

saw molly sims at the soho house really cracked out. she was obviously on ecstacy [Ed: We re interested to see how one is obviously rolling if they re not sucking on a lollipop and waving a glowstick] and acting really strange.

What an especially spicy morning! Saw Derek Jeter walking into the Bank of America on Park Avenue dressed like an out-of-work lumberjack. His head is more block-like in person, and he actually looked kinda huge. Then a few minutes later I saw Steve Dunleavy of the NY Post on the train, wearing a festive scarf. Good times.

The Jeter was walking into the oxy-moronically named LA Sports Club NY near the 59th street bridge. I've heard they have VIP private dressing rooms but they refuse to give me a trial membership so I can't say for sure. He was wearing a hooded black sweatshirt (hood-up) under a peacoat and had two bodyguards. He appeared much larger than life and somewhat god-like in person. We actually made eye-contact and his expressive hazel eyes could only beg, "Please don't try and talk to me and just leave me alone." Who could resist those eyes, not to mention the bodyguards? I left him unmolested.

Saw Joe Torre (GM of the New York Yankees) at Zegna today. I was paying for my boyfriend's Christmas gift when suddenly the staff went crazy. A lady walked up to him and told him how nice it was to see him and inquired about his wife (must be regular shoppers). He seemed pleasant to make small talk. Joe was wearing a 3/4 tan leather jacket and yucky looking shoes. He walked over the the shoe area and got on the cell phone.

Alec Baldwin appeared way, way 0ff-Broadway. Spotted ordering a Mustang sandwich (that's roast beef on a sub roll) at the Cazenovia Grill in the eponymous village (southeast of Syracuse).
tuesday, december 21, 2004: the umlat was spotted solo walking down spring street window shopping. while chloe sevigny is usually said to be quite fugly, she was looking hot in a long shearling coat carrying a hollywould bag.

i was walking through the deserted eighteenth century decorative arts department at the met today—all the tourists were at the christmas tree—and i heard an incredibly smug voice. and there was hal sparks, ostentatiously snogging some girl in a baseball hat. Hal -we know—you just play one on tv.