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· Lesbian love update: Talk show host Ellen DeGeneres and Arrested Development star Portia deRossi are still madly in lurve, so much so that deRossi is trying to remove her tattoo bearing the initials of her former lover. [Page Six]
· If you had any doubts about how evil Hollywood truly is, actors and actresses don't believe in Santa Claus. [R&M]
· Just to prove that there really is no limit to how far celebrity journalism will go, US Weekly reporter Shelley Reinstein has committed to dog-sitting P. Diddy's puppy. [Page Six]
· Lloyd Grove continues his ban on writing about patron skank Paris Hilton by, uh, writing about her and using "[redacted]" instead of her name. We can't wait to see how he covers "[redacted's]" latest sex tape. [Lowdown]