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The LA.comfidential blog reports that Deep, that staple of Hollywood velvet-rope action, is closing its doors after New Year's and will be reborn with a new name and owner. Some of you will miss the go-go girls in their glass prisons hovering above the bar; others will lament the shuttering of their cozy little catacombs with the closed-circuit TVs, suitable for semiexhibitionist trysts. But the club's proudest moment might have been the poker scene from Ocean's Eleven, where Brad Pitt and George Clooney fleece some young poseurs (cameos by Joshua Jackson, Topher Grace, Shane West, and Holly Marie Combs), and which features this adorable, wink-wink exchange between Clooney and Grace:

Clooney : "Isn't it a big move from TV to movies?"

Grace: "Not for me."

We can only hope that Deep's next incarnation is up to the task of hosting such delightful meta-banter.