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Whether you blame fallout from the Ovitz trial, new corporate crackdowns on irresponsible spending, or Tom Cruise's wishes to further enrich the Church of Scientology, holiday swag levels are down (and bitching about reduced gift-giving is up in direct proportion). Whatever the reason, no one in Hollywood wants to admit to getting cheap as Christmas approaches. Notes Variety:

Interestingly, though, while many reported getting fewer gifts this year, nearly no one reported giving less. But the key culprit appears to be the rise over the last few years of the charity gift in lieu of a tchotchke.

ICM, for instance, announced in its Christmas cards that it was supporting the Motion Picture & Television Fund Foundation, Meals on Wheels and the Lollipop Theater Network. William Morris lists seven different charities on its holiday greetings including Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, the Children's Health Fund and Habitat for Humanity.

As always, the agents have all the angles covered. While it's really hard to fake giving someone an iPod, nothing's simpler than telling someone you "made a donation to charity on their behalf."