· Jack Newfield passes; His old employer remembers him as "a dean of New York City newspaper columnists." (In 2000, he said, "To my amazement the [New York] Post gives me more freedom than the Village Voice did at the end.") [Newsday, VV, Eve's Mag]
· 'Slate,' like, totally sells out. Now it's gonna be all corporate and shit. [Slate; sis has the memo]
· James Wolcott really, really hates Tucker Carlson's guts. [James Wolcott]
· Why can't Cargo get any love? The Washington Post's Peter Carlson calls it, "The dumbest new magazine of 2004... a guide to shopping for men. Cargo is stupefyingly stupid but it did one thing right: It hired an associate art director with the coolest name on any magazine masthead: Tahiti Starship." We're betting Tahiti has mixed feelings right about now. [Washington Post]