Sightings are sent in by readers; send yours to

In this edition: Chloe Sevigny, Lindsay Lohan, Josh Lucas, Sarah Jessica Parker, Anjelica Huston, Matt Damon, Michael Stipe, Gabriel Byrne, Sacha Baron Cohen, Adam Sandler with Jackie Titone, Fab Moretti, Nicky Hilton and Kevin Connolly, Jason Biggs, Princess Firyal of Jordan, Tara Subkoff and Wes Anderson, Josh Hartnett, Bill Murray, Julia Stiles, Jill Hennessy, Fabio, Martha Plimpton, Johnny Knoxville, Joan Osborne, Maria Tomei and Eve Ensler, Eric Neis, John Mayer, Joel Stein, Michael Imperioli, Chris Noth, Chloe Sevigny, Brooke Shields, Ron Livingston, Willem Dafoe, Molly Ringwald, Sigourney Weaver, and Lizzy Grubman.

At Ricky's on 3rd av. I was at the counter paying when Chloe Sevigny came in and asked the girl at the register if they had some sort of shampoo (didn't get the name). The lady said they didn't but that she could find it in some other Ricky's store. Wonder if she had to wash Vincent off her hair...

Saw Lindsay Lohan two nights ago, walking alone down Bleeker Street, near B'way. Short, hair down, ugly green bomber jacket and pink corduroys (tight). HUGE furry boots, fake tan and TONS of spackle covering it up. She has an unusually small nose in person.

At Better Burger in Chelsea on Tuesday, a bulky Josh Lucas almost crashed into me with his cajun ketchup-covered tray. Hey Josh, two words: "Excuse you."

This past Thursday night at around 7:00pm (Dec 16) I was walking down Bleecker St past Magnolia Bakery. I stopped to mail something in the mailbox right outside of there, and heard Sarah Jessica Parker's familiar voice. I turned around and sure enough it was her! She was waiting outside, with who seemed to be her nanny, and tending to James Wilke who was in his stroller. She was wearing a long black parka with fur collar, jeans, and UGGS (apparently they are still in [Ed: Actually, no. No, they re not.]). She was much tinier in person that I imagined, and acted very cute with James Wilke (she refers to him by that whole name too).

On Friday, I was walking w/my boyfriend on 6th Ave., going uptown from Souen on Prince Street. I told him we should stop in Da Silvano, ask to see a menu, and see who's eating there. Who was at the table in front of us? Anjelica Huston, looking a bit weathered.

I saw Matt Damon and his girlfriend walking around Astor Place on Saturday afternoon. He looked very un-metro wearing a navy blue knit hat and jean on jean - same shade of pants and jacket. The couple was very cute, holding hands and chatting. I thought I heard some Italian...

I was in the Paul Smith store at 16th and 5th, lookin' for some overpriced baubles when a short little fella in a cap bumped me out of the way. As reported on gawker in earlier posts, I can confirm, indeed, that Michael Stipe smells like a dirty old man. He was rockin' that grungy, LES vibe with his clothes, only they were clearly tailored and overpriced in that sort of way celebrities seem to shop - hey, I'll dress like a hobo so long as it's from an overpriced designer! Lots of happy faces from the crowd that saw him, though. Neat New York moment.

This afternoon, I was in Carroll Gardens, and saw Gabriel Byrne in front of me on line in a store on Smith Street. He was absolutely stunning.

Had the best possible sighting last night....Sacha B. Cohen in full Borat mustache in line at Tomei sushi on Thompson. Nice to see he dines with the peeps. Talking on his cell phone and said 'wicked' really loud and posh, confirming that it was indeed him. Very tall and with a non-celebrity type.

Rolling into Grilled Cheese on Saturday for a quick cheap sandwich, who did we see at one of the like, 4 tables in the place but Happy Gilmore himself, Mr. Adam Sandler, with wifey Jackie Titone and a couple of lady friends. Looking rather bulky in a (fucking) Yankees hat and lumberjack coat there, Adam. Even better was the fact that Fab Moretti was pacing back and forth on his cell phone in front of Las Venus across the street, causing Adam to shout, "hey, there's Drew's boyfriend!" and make a crack about how Fab was probably on the phone with her all afternoon.

We gave ourselves a little treat on saturday night with a 9:30 dinner for five at NOBU next door. And of course, we couldn't help but scan the room for celebs. Our patience paid off and the whole experience became complete when we saw Nicky Hilton, Kevin Connolly, and some hipster dufus in a blue (possibly denim!) hat. Nicky made eye contact with members of our table as we went to the bathroom to make sure it was her. She must get that kind of "is that her" look all the time. She looked a lot less narrow and skinny (i.e. much healthier) in person. She was wearing a white tank top. Kevin looked exactly like he does on the show— and I'm not sure who the other guy was.

Saw Nicky Hilton at Marquee in the bathroom, waiting on line. She was allowed to use the employee stall. I went into the next stall, heard her flush and then ran out without washing her hands or tipping the bathroom attendant.

Jason Biggs was seated one table over from me yesterday afternoon during lunch at Fred's at Barneys. He looks like your average cute Hebrew School kid. He sat with his back to the room (although I don't think he'd have caused much of a commotion with the Fred's Euro-friendly crowd). He was with someone who seemed like a publicist, although maybe it was an internet date as I read in the Star that he's using to meet women. Another Fred's sighting: Princess Firyal of Jordan, the perennial W favorite, wearing HUGE emerald earrings.

Wednesday night at Natori on St. Mark's the ubiquitous Wes Anderson and mopey pants Tara Subkoff - she seems like a serious downer. After a holiday party and several sakes we were leaving and I decided to lay some gas on them on the way out. Silent but deadly. I declare a new twist to gawker stalker - gassy gawker stalker.

saw josh hartnett and his model gf, daria whoserface, canoodling like it was their JOB at the joanna newsom, (smog), weird war concert tonight. he was wearing a wooly hat and his lil hipster glasses and she looked beeeeautiful. also saw "featured on snl," fred armison, blending in with the crowd. but my discerning eye picked him out! And several members of the animal collective were milling hither and thither.

Just got back from a super cheap dinner at Life Cafe and who should be eating there with his 250 sons but Bill Murray. No wife, no help, just Bill and what seemed like a soccer team of 9 year olds. He's very grey, has a huge nose and really bad skin. But, of course, he totally rocks.

Last night I saw Julia Stiles walking down the stairs at Raoul's, returning from either the bathroom or the fortuneteller. She was wearing black pants, a maroon sweater, and a scowl. She eyed me apprehensively, as if she feared I would scream her name or tackle her to the ground.

Friday 2pm outside H. Stern Jill Henessey looking ultra chic in her big glasses (Dior perhaps) and sleep pants. She's super skinny in real life.

My friends and I were having brunch were having brunch on 8th Ave and 15th st, and we saw none other than Fabio strutting down the street. He looks like he needs a V05 hot oil treatment!

i saw martha plimpton on saturday night standing outside village east cinemas on 12th and 2nd. she was quite petite — surprisingly elfin and well-preserved. Sporting navy blue winter gear and a hat that covered all of her hair.

Saw very cute and amazingly low key Johnny Knoxville at the midnight Pixies show on Sat/Sun Hammertime Ballroom. Hate to say this - but he's really kinda sexy.

this weekend was h-o-t with semi-celebrity spottings. oh yes. i was a gawker indeed. numero uno: a supremely pregnant joan osborne inquiring about the status of an order at a baby store on atlantic avenue. she looked like she was going to pop any second - very glowy. numeros dos y tres (i don't really speak spanish so pardonez-moi if i'm not spelling the numbers correctly): as i rushed down broadway on saturday around 6pm to go see the extremely sucky lemony snicket movie (my god i hate jim carrey, it's become a specific passion now, the hatred), i whisked by the very tiny marisa tomei who was deeply and animatedly in conversation with the equally tiny eve ensler. marisa was exclaiming about something and eve's bangs were in motion. quite a sight. Numero quatro: eric neis from the original real world on 23rd street. i'm embarrassed that i knew who he was. he was on his cell phone, looking pretty good, i gotta say. and i don't even really have a yen for the pretty boys.

Out with friends on Friday night 12/17, I spotted John Mayer in what looked like Dockers (um, what?) holding court with several hanger-ons out front. He looked completely unappetizing, a lot like his "music."

Saw ex-Time and Entertainment Weekly columnist and sometime VH1 talking head Joel Stein outside A Salt and Battery on 2nd ave in the East Village on Saturday afternoon. He was with a STUNNING blonde woman who I suppose was his wife (he often touts how attractive his wife is in his columns.) She looked pretty annoyed and miserable with him as he tried to coax her into the restaurant.

saw Michael Imperioli (Christopher from The Sopranos) at the Metropolitan Museum of Art yesterday afternoon. In the Medieval Art section. He was holding the hand of a toddler boy (i'm guessing his) and accompanied by an older man (father, perhaps?). Looked skinnier and smaller in person than I would have thought. i stared at him for a couple of seconds and he looked back with that "I know you know who I am" look. But i didn't say anything.

Chris Noth at Knickerbockers on sat night accompanied by something kinda short and sexy. My German friend who I was with mistakenly considered big to be A Real Celebrity and mused that 'nobody at home will believe me.'

i saw brooke shields and her baby at serendipity sipping on hot chocolate. i asked her for an autograph and she was happy to sign, and I told her i couldnt wait to see her broadway show. she was super friendly and down-to-earth and her baby is adorable, might i add!

Saw Ron Livingston (Office Space, Cooler, Sex & the City) at El Quijote in Chelsea. He was sitting at the end of the bar talking some older man. Ron was looking extra scruffy and firing back drinks like it was his job.

Saw Willem Dafoe at the Museum of Modern Art in NYC yesterday afternoon with a cute, youngish Chris O'Donnell-looking guy. The two kept laughing. Dafoe was really short—maybe 5'7" or 5'8". He looked so much taller as the Green Goblin and I'm wondering if Toby must be like 5'2"?

Saw Willem Dafoe huddling with an older gentleman over lunch at Il Cantinori 12/15. He is on the small side, with a thick head of hair. Looks younger than I expected.

last night (thursday) at the kiki & herb live at carnegie hall cd release party, i saw molly ringwald looking resplendent in a red dress, matching scarf, and red shoes. i have nothing snarky to say because she looked gorgeous, gracious, and unpretentious— and she's one of my heroes.

saw sigourney weaver & daughter wandering aimlessly around penn station this morning. sigourney was completely bundled up in a long, puffy tan coat & looking like a termite larva with sunglasses. maybe packing the pupa off for winter holidays?

Last night (Thursday) I passed Lizzy Grubman walking up Lafayette to a huge black SUV with two men who appeared to be bodyguards. She was talking on her cell phone and was walking fast. Very yellow hair, a black jacket, and a pizza face. Gross.