· Saturday Night Live-er Horatio Sanz takes on a subject a little more wholesome (though probably less funny) than Mr. Limbaugh's Hillbilly Heroin addiction at Upright Citizen's Brigade tonight, where he performs his "Old Timey Radio Christmas Special." [UCB]
· Remember Billionaires for Bush? Those clever little crooners who sang ironic pro-Bush songs at every single Democratic rally this summer? Yeah, someone should probably go tell them to SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY BECAUSE KERRY LOST before they perform at Galapagos in Williamsburg tonight. Sorry to snap, we're still hurting. [Galapagos]
· Blogs dead to you? Us too. Looking for something new to crown as the "it" gadget of 2005? Head on over to the "Winter Show" of the Tisch School's Interactive Telecommunications Program. [Tisch]