Trade Round-Up: Hey, Did You Hear About That Thing At William Morris?

· Both THR and Variety break down the "changing of the guard" at William Morris. Other terms used to describe the changes: shake-up, culture war, overhaul. Sadly, neither paper went for "bloodletting" or "board room massacre." [THR, Variety, sub. req'd.]
· Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind halts the Sideways juggernaut by being named best picture by the D.C. film critics. We may have to abandon our persecution complex if movies we loved continue to win awards.
· Writers' assistant Larry Reitzer lives the dream, selling a pilot script to ABC. Naturally, his boss of four years is cut in on the deal. [THR]
· Warner Bros. options the movie rights to a short story about a guy who uses math equations to make his girlfriend commit. You heard it here first: Nerds are going to be huge in '05. [Variety]
· The second season Apprentice finale comes nowhere near the ratings numbers of the first, but does well enough to ensure that the Donald will be boring us with two- and three-hour specials in the future. [THR]