Monday Morning Box Office: Lemony Snicket's A Series Of Inauspicious Opening Weekend Events

Enjoy your box office numbers like a Ritalin pill crushed up in your Monday morning pumpkin latte.
1. Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events — $30.2 million
It always feels strange to call the first place movie a disappointment, especially when it grosses $30 million. But consider that National Treasure opened at $35 mil and The Grudge did $40 mil and it's hard not to catch a whiff of Paramount's flop sweat around this one. If it seems like we've been piling on Paramount lately, well, it's not our fault that everything the studio touches turns to poop (not including Mean Girls, obviously.)
2. Ocean's Twelve — $18.3 million
Hollywood's cute, inside-jokey, A-lister love-in should hit the shelves in Best Buy by President's Day.
3. Spanglish — $9 million
It seems that no matter how hard Adam Sandler tries to show that he has actual acting ability, America's still only interested when he plays characters that seem developmentally disabled. His next move should be obvious: winning over the Academy by taking over for Sean Penn in I Am Sam 2.
4. The Polar Express — $8.6 million
At least $5 million of this weekend's gross can be traced back to director Robert Zemeckis' home theater, where ticket prices range from $1 to $3 million.
5. Blade: Trinity —$6.6 million
Audiences fled from this movie like someone set off a dirty bomb at the multiplex. And in a way, someone did.