The reports are flooding in:

Martha Stuart [sic] Living partygoers at The Half King reported Martha Stuart [sic] held a conference call from prison last night during the Omnimedia holiday party. These sources indicated the Jail Bird Diva "really boosted the morale" of beleagured staffers. No word on whether interns were making a seasonal fruit cake filled with files and a hacksaw.

Meanwhile, at a less "intense" gathering:

The catering at Allure's holiday party last night? Kentucky Fried Chicken. The entertainment? Karaoke. I think it was supposed to be ironic.

This almost competes with my experience a certain television studio's holiday party last year, which had a New York theme achieved by sectioning off different areas of a soundstage into "neighborhoods." In the Harlem corner, they served fried chicken, collard greens, and cornbread. I wish I were making this shit up.