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And now for something completely different: A reader report from a party totally devoid of open-bar clogging, hors d'oeuvres gobbling, goodie-bag grabbing B-listers. Each December the studios will lay out some cold cuts, spin some records, and hire some booze-wielding cater-waiters for their employees, all in the name of averting a bloody end-of-the-year. burnout-induced revolt. Some might mistake this for goodwill, rather than a necessary evil rooted in self-preservation. Whatever the motive, a snout full of free vodka feels just as good:

I went to the Fox Entertainment Group (FEG) Holiday party last night (12/15) on the Fox lot in Century City. It was New Orleans riverboat-themed and well done, full of gumbo, casino and unlimited drinks... from 5 to 9.

I write, however, to say that it was quite pleasant to spend an evening on the studio's plentiful dime without a celebrity, publicist, budget crisis or flash bulb in sight. Just a bunch of peeps who do the bullshit work to make the on screen "talent" look as good as they do. As I rock out to a DJ in an afro wig, I rest assured knowing that the true people in this biz, the cog in the machine, the backbone, the 90%... work hard, love their craft, collect their check and live in a dream. It's sometimes hard to make it in, but if you do, it can be nice.

(The other 10% peel the onion and make tons of cash. I'm looking at you Tom, John, "Fat Actress", etc)

Thanks Uncle Rupie. We work for you.

Another gruesome putsch averted! Happy holidays!