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Our favorite Tara-Reid-In-The-Making, the multitalented Lindsay Lohan, will be appearing on the Ellen DeGeneres Show today; the good news is Lindsay's definitely not lip syncing. An unfortunate reader, however, witnessed the taping:

Good God. Lindsay Lohan just performed on "Ellen." And yes, it was live...and HORRIBLE. Sounded like a cat being tortured with a poker. When the song ended, she actually exclaimed: "I'm out of breath!" Miss Lohan wheezed for a few moments before they cut to commercial.

Hmm. Maybe she should stick to the blatant lip syncing she pulled on Good Morning America, which is finally available for your horrific enjoyment here. It hurts so good, we promise.
UPDATE: Another reader writes to confim the Lohan wheezing, but clarifies that it was Ellen who asked if Lindsay was out of breath. Because these nuances matter.