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· Actor Kevin Connolly is the bestest boyfriend ever! When Fox gossip gimp Roger Friedman badmouths Nicky Hilton, Connolly comes to his girlfriend's defense and calls Friedman "fat." Top that, Todd Meister. [Page Six]
· The gossip columns mudwrestle over the veracity of a Lindsay Lohan/Colin Farrell hookup; yesterday Page Six said there was no truth to the item, but today Rush & Molloy claim their informant was practically under the bed. [R&M (last item)]
· A cameraman from Charlie's Angels crashes a VIP screening of The Life Aquatic just to call Bill Murray a bastard to his face. [Page Six]
· Babbo-master Mario Batali is spotted at the Spotted Pig acting "randy" with an Asian woman who is definitely not his wife. Cheating on your spouse in your own restaurant is such a clich ! [Lowdown]
· Is Michael Jackson paying his formidable legal bills? And, if not, will it ensure he's locked away from little boys all the more quickly? [Scoop]