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We know how it is: you're just so damn hot that you can't possibly keep the guys from falling all over you. All you need to do is cross the street and suddenly wealthy business men are chasing you. You merely take the subway and even the trannies are lusting after you. You're fighting them off with a stick, right? Because you're fucking amazing. It's hard, we know, but you're not alone! The Post's Marina Vataj and her super-fine friends have the exact same problem, so they wear fake engagement rings to ward off unseemly suitors. By waving a $10 bauble (available at a Ricky's near you) in the face of gentlemen not worth their attention, these ladies can thwart any undesired attempts at romance. It's much easier than shooting dudes a dirty look, plus you get to wear something sparkly!
Fake Engagement Ring Makes A Brilliant Guy-Repellant [NYP]