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· Did anyone else hear that the apocalypse actually went down in LA on Monday? Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, and Ashlee Simpson were caught fraternizing with Fred Durst at now-cursed eatery Koi. [JJB via Stereogum]
· A new and undeniably absurd perfume line called Bond no. 9 is offering scents based on New York neighborhoods. A Curbed reader notes that the Bowery scent smells of "old people and rotten fruit." And at only $168 a bottle, it's hard to resist! [Curbed]
· It takes forever to load, but the Star Wars Holiday Special is well worth the wait. [WOW]
· It's official: freshly-dead rapper Ol' Dirty Bastard had cocaine and tramadol (a prescription painkiller, naturally) in his system when he collapsed on November 13. We know you're already blowing rails and tipping 40s in his honor. [CNN]