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Crisis at Conde Nast! Vogue editor Anna Wintour can't seem to keep her slaves under control, as evil freelancers and interns just might be staging a thievish (yet stylish!) revolt:

Some juicy stuff buzzing around the building today... apparently Anna Wintour sent out a $20,000 necklace for repair (I believe on Friday), and it is now missing. Security video shows an intern handing off the necklace to a messenger, but its whereabouts beyond that are unknown. Also, *another* freelancer who was let go at Vogue some two weeks ago is suspected of taking some jewelry and clothing (valued at $15K+) from the hallowed fashion closet on the 12th floor. It was discovered that her security badge was still active for some two weeks after getting the boot. NYPD was here yesterday and they've brought in detectives today I hear...there's a layer of eggshells on 12th that everybody's doing their best not to break (thank god Uggs are so soft and cuddly, I guess).

We couldn't get any on-the-record comment on this (yep, we TRIED to do some "reportage"), but it seems that most of the bots have been already gagged and flogged into submission.