Serena Bass, celeb caterer and high-profile event planner, held a cocktail party early on Monday night at the W Hotel Times Square in honor of her first book, <a href="

841522?v=glance">Serena, Food & Stories: Feeding Friends Every Hour of the Day. While we'd never feed our friends (seeing as we can barely manage to feed ourselves), Serena gives good reading and shared a flavorful, whimsical tale of entertaining the most gorgeous man she ever laid eyes on. No, not Jeffrey Steingarten, the Vogue food critic (seen chatting with Serena above) who you may remember as being <a href="

.php">the perfect boss. After the jump, Andrew Krucoff and photographer Laren Spirer present the evening in pictures.

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Steingarten up to his old parlor tricks, wedging his face inside a wine glass.

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Like twin moons on a collision course taking pause mid-orbit, these drinks are called "Smart Blonde" and "Pink Bitch" which sound even better when said with a gay lilt.

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Jovial boy-blonde Sam Shaffer is Serena's son but, more importantly, he's the step-son of Vogue editrix Anna Wintour and cousin to Minnie Driver. He and mom are the former owners of Serena, the Chelsea Hotel's sub-level bar/lounge, and he was once an entertainment editor at Details. Pictured here with Laren Spier.

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Finally, one more shot of the Steiner if only because we hope he beats his assistant for not telling him his tie is all askew. We kid! That might not be his assistant at all, but we hope he beats him anyway.