Sightings are sent in by readers; send yours to

In this edition: Barbara Walters, Calvin Klein with Anna Wintour, Lindsay Lohan, Kate Bosworth, Frances McDormand, Tim Robbins, Foxy Brown, Chelsea Clinton and Ian Klaus, Christina Ricci, Julia Stiles, Amber Tamblyn, Willen DeFoe, Albert Hammond Jr., Molly Ringwald, Sonja Sohn, Pale Male, Tea Leoni and David Duchovny, Niki Taylor, Chris Noth, Julianne Moore, Heather Graham and Josh Lucas, Luke and Owen Wilson, Seth Meyers, Chris Rock, David Bowie, Uma Thurman, David Cross, Tony Danza, Bjork and Matthew Barney, Lili Taylor, John Turturro, Carson Kressley, Sigourney Weaver, Martha Plimpton, Thom Felicia, Joy Behar and Star Jones, Mario Batali, Chloe Sevigny, Leslie Stahl, Carol Kane, and Al Goldstein.

Thursday lunch at Michael's provided three prime sightings. First, I held the door open for Barbara Walters, who looks nowhere near as old as I thought she would. Apparently, Wawa is quite the regular for lunch. At the table behind us, Calvin Klein sucked up to frost queen Anna Wintour (or vice-versa). Shocker: both were very well dressed.

I'm standing at my security desk because I forgot my ID today and all these folks from Sirius Sat Radio are in a panic because something's wrong with their security list. Then I heard one woman say, "Oh my God! She's here!" I figured it was someone really good. I mean, who could cause such hullabaloo? I turned and saw none other than Long Island's favorite daughter, Lindsay Lohan, complete with entourage, standing in the lobby of 1221 6th Avenue. I'll admit, she's cute, but, being a radio station visit, she wasn't all decked out. Her hair is much redder than I thought, but dark, burgundy kind of red. She's pretty short, approximately 1/2 the size of her bodyguard.

saw kate bosworth shopping at the coach store at 57th/madison. she was all done up, looked like she came from some interview. she is very cute in person, but i didnt get too close enough to see her two different color eyes.

I saw Frances McDormand today (12/13) on the corner of 75th and bway right in front of the new Barney's Coop. She was buying the Times from the newspaper stand outside. It was freezing and she was trying to keep her hands warm on a cup of coffee she had. I wanted to make some sort of witty Fargo joke about the cold, but I refrained.

Sighted at Blatt Billiards on Broadway+11th, Tuesday, around 12:20: I went in to buy some poker chips, walked up to the counter, and realized that the EXTREMELY TALL man to my left was Tim Robbins. He was looking good, very stylish with his spiky hair and ipod, and was quietly discussing the purchase of a swank-looking poker chip set (Preparing for an appearance on Celebrity Poker perhaps?). Couldn't decide whether to thank him for his political work or make a lame poker joke, so I just bought my cheap-ass fake clay chips and left.

Foxy Brown sighted at Amy Ruth's restaurant on 116th and Lenox, around noon Sunday. We didn't even notice her until a woman standing in traffic started yelling, "Foxy! Foxy! I don't care what those other ho's say, I'm a loyal fan." Foxy looked her way but didn't speak... girlfriend was fixated on getting her fried chicken and waffles, I guess.

I saw Chelsea Clinton and Ian Klaus walking around the Union Square farmer's market yesterday. He was taller than I expected him to be, and Chelsea looked cute in a long denim coat and sneakers that I totally wanted, but I was afraid I'd freak her out or get swarmed by what seemed to be a non-existent Secret Service detail if I asked her where she got them. His hand was kind of fluttering around her butt as they walked around. They were smiley and happy and looked very much in love.

Christina Ricci, Adam Goldberg at Scratcher on 5th between 2nd and 3rd. Julia Stiles 2 tables away. Christina made my friend move because she "was told [she] would have a table." My stupid friend moved.

Saw Julia Stiles and Amber Tamblyn (that chick from "Joan of Arcadia") at last night's Rene Risque show at Joe's Pub. No, they weren't together. Julia, who makes a point of noting in interviews how down-to-earth and unpretentious she is, had no problem pulling the "Don't you know who I am?" bullshit and cutting in front of everyone on line to snag a choice booth. Amber, on the other hand, apparently waited in the queue with everyone else, and then was asked to move when she sat at a table that'd already been reserved.

Willem DeFoe in the lobby of my office building (Soho) and Claire Danes coming out of Shopsin's with a nonfamous friend.

saturday midnight showing of "the life aquatic" spotted albert hammond jr. with unkempt hair & pretty blonde girlfriend. also with them was a Kermit the frog looking fellow with similar hair. the movie was a disappointment.

Molly Ringwald was in Sephora 34th Street today pushing a stroller and looking exactly like she did 20 years ago, only her hair is cropped and she wore a hat. Has held up v. well after all these years.

Saw actress Sonja Sohn of The Wire (She plays "Kima") this afternoon in Park Slope. She was walking along 7th Avenue with what looked to be a script in her hand. She is gorgeous - her hair was out and down, she had on a 1970s vintage leather coat and looks to be in great shape. At first I thought she was a decked out YaYa from ANTM but then my husband shouted "there's Kima" and it all made sense. Ever since I saw her I've been singing The Wire theme song...

On Sunday afternoon (12/12/04), we attended the Audubon Society vigil across the street from 927 Fifth Avenue (where the hawks were evicted). We spotted the male hawk, Pale Male, circling overhead. It was pretty heartbreaking. Hopefully he was comforted at the sight of so many supporters on his behalf, and many drivers on Fifth Avenue honking horns in support. Taking a break from the Hawk Vigil, we walked around the Conservatory Water (model boat pond) where we spotted Tea Leoni. She was adorable, much more petite than I expected. She was having fun playing with her adorable blonde son. At first I was not sure it was she until I also spotted her hubby David Duchovny (in sunglasses). Tea looked genuinely happy to be playng in the park and appeared unencumbered with her celebrity status.

Tuesday - 12/7: former supermodel Niki Taylor in Sephora 34th Street where she was very nice, very tall, and very happy to spend around $2500 on "stocking stuffers."

Saturday - 12/11: Chris Noth walking east on 17th Street between 5th and the greenmarket carrying coffee and sporting the scariest moustache since Gabe Kaplan.

Thursday Evening around 11:00pm, saw Chris "Mr. Big" Noth eating dinner with a bunch of suits at Da Silvano. Big was sporting a huge 'stash and seemed to be enjoying the company and the food. Looked more put together than usual.

My husband and I stopped by The Cutting Room for a drink on Friday night. We saw no other than co-owner Chris Noth, looking far younger than his rightful age of 50. He entertained industry guests at a nearby table, fetching drinks, choosing music and engaging in animated conversation. The soon-to-be back in Wolf's pack of Law and Order cops, he was sporting a substantial moustache and slightly longer hair, which gave him a boyish appearance. Neither of these detracted from his intoxicating smile. He looked casual but neat in dark blue corduroys and shirt, with a navy and grey sweater vest. Somehow he made it work. He spent a good portion of the later evening indulging the dozens of middle-aged fans (mostly female) who vied for a chance to touch him.

Saw Julianne Moore on Saturday evening, December 11th at Bar Pitti on Sixth Ave b/t Blecker and Houston. She was shorter than I expected but still the most beautiful woman in the room with a great emerald green coat and fantastic long red hair. Looked just as she does in the magazines but not as glam. Was quite surprised to see her at this restaurant because it is very small, very crowded, very inexpensive, and very ordinary neighborhood bistro kinda you would be surprised to see a celeb there. She had to wait to be seated just like everyone else and when she finally was, it was at a table right in the center of the room facing the windows. Everyone was staring but pretending not to and she left not too long after she arrived. She must eat fast.

Julianne Moore was walking up Greenwich Street on Saturday no sunglasses, no hats, in a tweed vest, bright red hair and everyone left her alone.

Last night on Park Avenue South- Heather Graham and Josh Lucas snuggling/walking uptown towards Madison Square Park carrying groceries- are they dating? I hadn't read anything about it?

at a party and saw heather graham looking very cute in person sharing a joint with some people..tried to get close but no luck..also fisher stephens waiting for his next cameo in the next film he produces himself.

sat next to heather graham at blue ribbon bakery thursday night. everyone else was there for the latkes, but she and her three (cute!) male companions didn't order any (maybe because she is watching her

Saw Heather Graham at Max Fish in the Lower East Side on Wed night. While extremely hot (and surprisingly tall), she was actually pretty chill, just hanging out at the bar rapping with people.

saturday, 12/11, 3:00pm, the corner of Broadway & boyfriend spotted Luke Wilson on his left, i yelled "Talk to me Applejack!" (Bottle Rocket reference), only to see Owen Wilson on my right. if these guys weren't famous, they wouldn't get prime tail at all. they both looked average at best, and they must wear lots of makeup during all film shoots/photo ops, because their skin looked like it could use a round of Accutane. also, the part in Owen's nose where it gets all wonky had a big red scar/bruise on it. don't know if that's there all the time, but it was so appropriately placed. the "brothers" were walking on opposite sides of the street and both talking to themselves instead of each other. typical.

On Saturday night I saw Owen Wilson on Christopher St. He has the worst goddamn bottle-blonde, fried hair I have ever seen. It was mulletous as well. Yo Wilson, get that shit managed. Someone should really tell him long, shaggy hair is for losers. He was in front of a dildo store. But I guess on Christopher one is always in front of a dildo store.

saw luke wilson waiting for a table for two at cafe habana on saturday late afternoon. then when owen wilson appeared five minutes later they were seated right away in the back corner. they both are so cute. luke looked liked he gained a few pounds in the face.

saw the wilson brothers,chris rock and seth myers at marquee last night. wilson brothers were oddly handsome but what is with all the bimbos and bodyguards all around them? they go from awww to ewww.

I had a gawker stalker menage-a-trois this weekend. First I saw David Bowie at The Pixies concert Saturday night at Hammerstein. He was wearing a suburban dad sweater and comfortable shoes - not so glam. I didn't recognize who he was with - mostly bottle-blonde 40-something rocker chicks with lots of ink, but no Iman. The show was fucking brilliant, but Bowie sat the whole time (while I gave myself shaken baby syndrome - my ears are still ringing). Then on Sunday we saw Luke Wilson having lunch at Bar Pitti looking as haggard as I felt, but my wife was still ga-ga for him. Best of all, we then saw Uma Thurman in an Asian antiquities shop in SoHo, making it my turn to go ga-ga. She was stunning even in a long black parka with stick-figure legs poking out the bottom and no makeup. She asked about a standing Buddha, but didn't buy anything. I think she was with Andre Balasz, no kids. Is it too soon to nominate Ethan Hawke for biggest schmuck of the 21st century?

Sunday afternoon I m walking by Balduccis on the UWS and hear a familiar voice yelling hey, bro. Can you get a move on? I turn around and there s Tony Danza s freakishly oversized head sticking out of a parked limo that was blocked into its space by an SUV. He was really, really rude in that B-list don t you know who I am? sort of way. I had a hard time not laughing. I mean, who s gonna rush to get out of the way for Tony freaking Danza? Please.
Saw David Cross at Vazacs on Saturday kickin' it with a few friends, putting down some pitchers and generally having a good time. Of course I bought him a beer out of respect.

Musician Bjork, looking pretty in her knee-high metallic boots, and boyfriend, artist Matthew Barney at a noh & kyogen performance and gala at Japan Society in mid-Manhattan. Bjork was laid-back and stylish; Barney was wearing a Dickies-jumpsuit-esque outfit. Both were friendly with the performing troupe's musicians and actors, and seeing them at a traditional Japanese performing arts program was a surprise!

Saw Bjork today at 5ish in the Evolution store in Soho. She was SO FUCKING CUTE. She bought a taxidermy doe.. Sources tell me that she was in on Friday as well, and bought a two headed mouse and heart replica. Lots of fun things for under Matthew Barney's tree. She was wearing a very pointy hood, and was pushing her baby in a stroller. I didn't want to get too close, because I might have freaked out and/or tried to touch her.

Saturday at about 2:45, I saw Lili Taylor biking down Houston on a neat road bike (not some silly jaunty country-looking thing). She looked great, but was not wearing a helmet!

when i walked out of my house today there was a girl with pink lipstick sitting on my stoop. we said hello. then i walked by john turturro (who keeps looking older and older every time i see him around) arm in arm with his wife, Katherine Borowitz, on 7th avenue on my way to tea (bagging) lounge. half an hour later the PINK LIPSTICK GIRL walked in and sat next to me. she was waiting for someone who was obviously late. it was josh lucas. he's cute but hippie-ish and kind of fat. i'm pretty sure they all figured out who i am too.

Saw the blonde queer eye guy, Carson on Prince Street Sunday afternoon. He was surrounded by a circle of males (there were literally 10 of them) and they all were browsing the street vendors, making queer eye comments about the merchandise. Carson was wearing a knee-length brown pony fur jacket and looked lame and totally into himself. People refer to him for style advice? He seemed like a big time loser.

Sigourney Weaver walking her dog in front of the Guggenheim and Vera Wang signing copies of her perfume at Bloomingdales

Saw sexy Martha Plimpton having drinks and sharing a late-nite dessert at the bar at Cafe Luxembourg with a very handsome dark-haired guy. They were both talking very excitedly and took forever to finish the unidentified dessert. She was wearing a black halter-top outfit and cool shoes. Nice tan skin.

friday night at Soho House: saw thom felicia (interior design for Queer Eye) next to the foosball table, and Chelsea Clinton surrounded by laughing friends in the uncomfortable chairs by the smoking room

I was at a small press screening of "The Aviator" yesterday, where a vaguely important-looking woman was shooing everyone away from four back-row seats; I figured it was for Sir Harvey and his new fancy-pants British pals. Instead, we were treated to a double dose of "View" vixens, with Joy Behar and Star Jones sauntering in just before the lights went down. Jones brought along her cell phone—one of those silver numbers with the classy fake-rhinestones on the case—and I swear to God, not only is the ringtone a loud-ass rendition of "Wanksta," but she actually has a picture of her and Al set as its picture, shot in a total Sears Portrait style (ohmigod, he is *so* straight!). Anyhoo, an older woman came up to Star and told her how much she admired her "edge," which seemed to confuse even Star. Edge of what? Marginal celeb-induced megalomania?

saw Mario Batali at the Loews 19th street theatre last night, wearing shorts and ridiculous orange plastic clogs. he stood in line for tickets but then disappeared into a "private screening."

Saw Chloe Sevigny at Knitting Factory couple weeks back at Animal Collective Show.

Saw Leslie Stahl (60 Minutes) crossing Broadway between 57th/58th in a short leather skirt and fitted leather blazer, while her hurricane-wind proof make up job distracted me from her amazingly good-looking legs (ewww, I know she's like 60 but they're look 20).

Carol Kane (Scrooged, Princess Bride, License to Drive) on w57th.

Al Goldstein—-SCREW magazine, Midnight Blue—-was in my work building's lobby rapping with one of the security guys. Luv that guy (Goldstein, not the security guy).