New York and the The New York Times Magazine both trotted out their year-end issues this week. Each is an impressive effort (Months in the making! Editorial staffs of thousands! No sociological stone unturned!), yet both leave us feeling... well, very tired.

Reading them both, all we wanted to know was when will this godforsaken year end already so we can focus on the new batch of bullshit and suck-itude of 2005?

Anyway, there's far too much to read in New York and The Times Magazine (and besides, do you really care?), so we boiled down each to their most important points.

"Year in Ideas""It Happened This Year"
Oppositional peer pressure... concept store pretention... benign corporate oligarchy... physicist... papal... light transmitting concrete... moral hazard... automatons... punditization of the American electorate... George Bernard Shaw... militaristic... nonhegemonic curating... policy wonks... TV-B-Gone...Paris Hilton... outer-borough accents... arugala... Sex and the City... iPod... Martha Stewart... NASCAR... pricey niche jeans... pork... Avenue Q... BUY CRYSTAL, GET HIV FREE!

The Year In Ideas: A to Z [NY Times Mag]
It Happened This Year [NY]