The Projectionist: One Last Job, Again

We pull into the holiday home stretch with a fresh batch of our usual projections of questionable value. Why should anything be different because we're drinking egg nog stinking of rum?
1. Ocean's Twelve — $35 million
Boasting more A-listers than you can shake a powder-caked coke mirror at, the sequel should easily cruise into first place. If Julia Roberts had hit those fertility drugs a little harder and squeezed out quintuplets before the premiere, they could've been looking at a $50 million opening, She's just not a team player.
2. Blade: Trinity — $23 million
Never underestimate the ticket-buying power of the comic fanboy, who will overlook the fact that the guy from Van Wilder and Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place is now being sold as a vampire slayer.
3. National Treasure — $12 million
We can't do much but sit back and wait for this Second Nic Cage Ice Age to slowly pass. By the new year, he'll again just be that face from a Starz showing of Gone in Sixty Seconds twitching across our television screens.
4. The Polar Express — $8 million
Or as we like to call it, The Liitle Seemingly Disappointing "Instant Holiday Classic" That Will Eventually Achieve Profitability in DVD Sales That Could.
5. Christmas with the Kranks —$7 million
Say what you will about Tim Allen, but his movies are uniformly awful (except for Galaxy Quest) and we're more than a little tired of seeing him trotted out every Christmas. Oh, you're supposed to follow that "say what you will" part with some redeeming quality? We'll get it next time.