We just mentioned that nip-slipper Tara Reid was taking shots at Page Six in this month's interview with Stuff magazine, but she mentioned one unnamed female reporter in particular during her rant. When we think of rant-worthy gals at Page Six, obviously we think of Paula Froelich. We love to help pick a fight, so naturally we contacted Paula for comment:

I'll take her in a jello wrestling match anyday (has to be jello — it's her medium, you know. Tara only feels comfortable when jello shots are nearby). I'm not shoving drinks down her throat every night, dressing her in hankerchiefs, suggesting she show up to the nightly letter opening or telling her to make friends with troglodytes who tattle on her every move... she does that all on her own. And hey — at least my breasts have feeling! Seriously, though, Tara's not so bad — and the Stuff interview was given 6 months ago. We have made inroads since then.