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The shocking news has us scratching at our eyes: our patron saints, the golden Olsen twins, have fallen from grace. Horrifying as it may be, it seems that our little girls might not be so innocent as we originally thought, as they've wandered down the sweatshop path of Kathie Lee Gifford. Their fah-bulous clothing line, mary-kateandashley (sold at a Wal-Mart near you!), is assembled by none other than pregnant Bangladeshi women who don't get adequate health care or any sort of maternity leave. NYU students are gathering in Washington Square Park at 5:30 tonight for the typical undergraduate rally against this injustice and we encourage all Gawker readers to attend—after all, sweatshop abuse often leads to drug abuse. Save the Olsens before it's too late!
Olsens Targeted By Sweatshop Watchdog [People (sub. req'd.)]
How The Olsens Stole Christmas [Washington Square News]