Sightings are sent in by readers; send yours to

In this edition: Bjork, Robin Williams, Luca Luca and Naomi Campbell, Drew and Fab, Ian Klaus and Chelsea Clinton, Julia Stiles and Joshua Jackson, Ron Artest, Todd Oldham, Laurence Fishburne, Matt Dillon, Joan Collins, Don King, David Duchovny, Yoko Ono, Chloe Sevigny, Famke Janssen, Stephen King, Ashley Olsen, Jason Patric, Ashanti, Dianne Weist, Anthony Edwards, Gabriel Byrne, Alec Baldwin, Todd Barry, Al Sharpton, Timothy Hutton, and Ethan Hawke ditches the good dad routine (thus we will refrain from imposing a moratorium).

Much to my surprise, Bjork was at Old Town Bar on Saturday (12/4) mid-afternoon. She was sitting at the bar with an older couple and two men who looked like writers/artists. We nabbed the booth near her and tried to eavesdrop but couldn't hear a thing as she speaks oh so quietly. She was wearing a 60's style blouse with muted green, blue and yellow designs, gold boots with stitching, jeans and a huge black bomber jacket with a giant lip of a hood only Bjork can wear. No makeup. She was tiny and fragile and cute. A regular bar patron approached her and said "I love your website." He just kept going on and she covered her mouth with her hand the whole time and moved away from him, like "please go away." I can't believe this douchebag thought he could just go up and chat with her! If he had stayed too much longer, I would have got up and punched him in the mouth for frightening my little Bjork! Luckily, the three men she was with encircled her protectively and the dude got the picture and left.

Robin Williams is stalking me. Saw Mork shopping at NikeTown with wife on 57th btwn 5&6 on Sunday. He's short, looks every bit his age, and was wearing dark pants with dark green jacket. Then saw him again at Borders in Columbus Circle perusing the best-selling fiction. FINALLY, saw him again at Hugo Boss waiting to try on 4 pairs of shoes. He seems very friendly and even normal? I was hoping he'd break into his Mrs. Doubtfire voice or something but nothing! Also saw chick who plays Lana on Smallville in SoHo Saturday. She's beautiful but looks fake. She was with 2 obviously gay hangers-on who were not the least bit cute but clearly worshipped her none the less.

i saw Luca Luca and Naomi Campbell walking into some place by Tao. Both of them looked very nice. She's about a head taller then he is.

Sunday, 12/5 saw Drew and Fab at the final NYC Guided By Voices show at Irving Plaza. Fab looked typical wearing jeans, leather jacket and standard red Chuck Taylors, but Drew looked amazing in high black boots over her jeans (equestian style). She is much more beautiful in real life. Drew and I were at the bar at the same getting the our classy cans of Brooklyn Lager.

I was in Union Square sitting on the benches outside the dog park. The other benches were filled with people. Chelsea Clinton and Ian Klaus casually stroll by arm in arm. Everyone is quiet and discreetly gawking. He's really cute and she's not too bad. They make a really cute couple. They stop at the dog park for a little while and watch the dogs play. No secret service in sight.

Julia Stiles and Joshua Jackson with a female friend in the audience at Friday night's (12/3) BAFTA screening of Ocean's Twelve at the French Institute. Her hair was short, just shoulder length, and wavy, and she wore a black overcoat and pink scarf. Very cute in person. Joshua looked exactly like he does on TV. Chatted with Julia for a few minutes on the long bathroom line, she was very nice and friendly, and talked about how much she liked Matt Damon in the movie.

saw Laurence Fishburne at Barney's uptown on Saturday. He was dressed like a homeless person (skanky green running pants and a baseball hat) but his male assistant was in a full suit carrying his bags (bizarre).

Tuesday Night.. I saw Ron Artest w/some girl at the Tribeca Grand last night. He's staying on the sixth floor with some girl. I guess being laid off for the year has it's benefits. Chelsea Clinton was spotted by us later at the TG.

Todd Oldham was on my Jet Blue flight to Fort Lauderdale. He sat near the back. I don't know if he had the Terra Blue chips or the chocolate chip cookie. I suppose he was going to some cool event at Art Basal Miami that weekend, but I was destined to visit relatives in a boring gated community in Boynton Beach.

Last night, 12/6, 11:45 p.m, in the pseudo-sleet, saw Matt Dillon, who seemed to be on a double date, loitering with his companions on the deserted corner of 50th and Broadway, looking as if they couldn't decide where to go next.

Today, again in bad weather, spied Joan Collins and husband entering the Duane Reade at 56th & Sixth. The husband looks way better in person; in fact, he was the one who first caught my eye.
Saw Don King standing outside Paramount Plaza at 50th and Broadway Tuesday afternoon. He was by himself, waving two miniature American flags for some reason. I was disapointed that he had the hair covered with a knit hat. He still looked kinda like a troll doll anyway.

David Duchovny and some other actor (Crudup? He was talking loudly to some assistant in an actor-y way - feh) were filming on the corner of Lafayette and Bleeker, in front of the coffee shop. I was still traumatized by the ear hair of the guy in front of me on the m21 bus, so the whole thing was rather unthrilling. I would have been way more excited if it were the James Ellroy film, but no such luck. Nice choice to close to sidewalk to the 6 uptown during rush hour, guys!

Saw Yoko Ono on Fifth Avenue at 19th Street on Saturday. She appeared to be alone and was as short as someone can be without being qualified as a "little person". She was looking good for 60-something. Black pea coat and a black newsboy cap. Seemed to be alone. No entourage, spawn or b-guard in sight.

Spotted Chloe Sevigny at the Guided By Voices show at Irving Plaza on Saturday. She was wearing these large clear-framed granny glasses to hide her face, a blue smock-dress over a striped shirt, dark tights, and precariously high ankle boots, and hair was long and kinda stringy. Her companion was particularly tall and lanky and was wearing tight pants and a striped top. She was pretty low-key and waved when people called her name. Also spotted at the show: Conor Oberst from Bright Eyes.

Went to Pastis on Sunday (12/5) for brunch, hoping to catch a glimpse of my 2 favorite rats, the Olsen twins. Instead saw, Famke Janssen, she was walking in while I was walking out. Very beautiful in person, not too much makeup and shorter than i expected. Had in tow a young guy wearing a trucker cap looking like he thought he was pretty hot since he was with Famke. but guess what, he wasn't.
Saw Stephen King stomping into the Kips Bay Loews theatre alone on Friday nite. He's tall and scary, as you would imagine. He waited on the long line to buy a ticket, but after a few seconds, abandoned the line and just ran up the escalator towards the theaters. Very odd. Maybe he forgot that he already had a ticket. Wonder what he was going to see.

Lunch break, 1 pm-ish, SoHo, 12/6. Came out of the nasty rain/wind and into the shelter of the Grey Dog Cafe only to see the angelically blonde Ashley Olsen sitting in the far corner table, waiting for her food with an older, crunchy/ski-bummy dude. She was wearing a total granny sweater and looking only slightly more kempt than her sister usually does. She had a slightly distressed look on her face, but I couldn't tell whether that was her usual doe-eyed expression or an indication of discontent.

Jason Patric of Speed 2 fame eating at the Village Den on Saturday afternoon. As we got up to leave, he had this look in his eyes like he wanted someone to notice him. I was the only who could remember a movie he's been in.

Ashanti (and a large bodyguard) was on my American Airlines flight on Saturday to St Louis. St Louis is Nelly s hometown hmmmm.

dianne weist on the subway this past weekend... reading a book and looking pissed.

Saw Anthony Edwards from ER (but more importantly, from REVENGE OF THE NERDS) the other day at Curry in a Hurry. Didn't even notice and/or realize it was him, until he got up, gave me a strange look (which I later interpreted as, "I know that you know who I am," despite the fact that I didn't), and I told my lunch date that the "guy who sort of looks like a retarded version of the guy from ER" was giving me weird looks. Said lunch date informed me that, indeed, it was him. Very unimpressive.

ran into gabriel byrne on 5th avenue in park slope on the evening of 12/4. he was browsing through a tiny used record store accompanied by another man. my girlfriend seemed to be the only one who noticed.

Sunday (12/5), 6:45 p.m.—Was having dinner at French Roast on Sixth Avenue when Alec Baldwin walked in with an unidentified attractive (much younger) slim Asian woman. He had his scruffy beard and was wearing his dark-rimmed glasses. Most of the people at the tables by the door turned to look at them. They went directly to the bar. They definitely were "together" as they were all over each other.

Todd Barry last night at Schiller's. After a few gin & tonics, he's pretty easy on the eyes.

saw the good reverend al sharpton at my local healthfood restaurant last night in time square. he was remarkably well-groomed and smelled nice, but not too strongly and was with an attractive young woman who didn't get any food. the man is rather petite. he had a salad made to go, with chicken and at the last minute grabbed some healthy version of what looked like dentyne ice. he paid with a fifty, and was rather subdued. this is the second time i've seen him there and once again i was rendered mute even tho i was just dying to say how much i loved him on jon stewart election night.

Saw Timothy Hutton on Sunday 12/5 at Broadway and 93rd Street. He was getting into a 1970s-era El Camino. This makes 2 sightings under similar circumstances. Can't decide if Timothy Hutton in an El Camino is hot or scary.

Someone tied up their dog out in the rain last night outside of Peter McManus in Chelsea. I tried to pet the sopping wet dog but he barked at me. The owner came out and calmed him down but then left him out there. Finally, after some people were sympathizing with the poor little guy. He took his dog into the bar out of the rain. The owner? Ethan Hawke. Who does that? So much for sensitive artist type.

I ran into Ethan Hawke yesterday at around 5:30 in front the Bryant Park Hotel, taking a cigarette break from his heavy boozing at the lounge. He really needs to quit smoking and drinking in the afternoon, as he looks awful: he is bloated and his complexion is shocking. Also, he needs to wash his hair and get an age-appropriate wardrobe; in his downtown grunge garb he's mutton dressed as lamb.

Saw Ethan Hawke last night stumbling out of the Bar below the Chelsea Hotel with some girl I didn't recognize. She was really tiny and very very pretty. Not that he's a huge guy, but this girl was like MK size. He hailed a cab, they made out on the street and then she got in without him and rode away.