Outbreak Warning: Wedding Fever is Spreading

Everyone thinks we're miserable, cynical misanthropes, but we have a confession to make: We have a raging case of wedding fever! And if there's a cure, we don't want it.
It's true! We can't get enough of weddings, and we don't care who knows it. We love the whole thing from the proposals, to the glass-breaking, to the drunk bridesmaids and groomsmen hooking up, to the whole big happily ever after!
And we're not the only ones who've caught the fever. Today's New York Post has a cover story called "Free Ring Circus" all about how Donald Trump got a free $1.5 million wedding ring for his intended Melania Knauss. (A couple of weeks ago, the paper had the same story—on a lower scale—about Trump's kid, Donald Jr..)
Not ones to be the bridesmaid at this affair, The Daily News has a cover story about a romantic gent who proposed with a Marry-tini—a potent drink that comes with a ring!
But that's not all, wedding fans! Cathy, the spunky single gal who never fails to make us smile, is finally getting hitched to her longtime fiancé, Irving! (We never thought we'd see the day!) And instead of registering, they're giving all their gifts to needy animals.
One day it will be our turn (hint, hint), but for now, we're just happy for all these lucky folks.
Free Ring Circus [NYP]
She loves him like a (13G) rock [NY Daily News]
Cathy and Irving's Wedding Page