When he's not busy threatening America's youth to vote, rapper-cum-activist P. Diddy is getting private tours of the White House led by none other than our fearless leader and his first lady. Page Six has snippets of what must've been priceless dialogue, but we can guess what the entire conversation was like:

Laura Bush: I understand you had a wonderful birthday party recently.
President Bush: You know, Tara Reid's destroyed nipple has inspired us to work on plastic surgery reform legislation.
Laura Bush: I saw pictures of your guests; that Paris looks like a nice girl.
P. Diddy: Oh, she is. You know, Mrs. Bush, we have the same birthday.
Laura Bush: Well, golly! We should celebrate together! I'll bring the lithium and we can have a joint party.
P. Diddy: I'll arrange that. You have a nice house, by the way...but mine is bigger.

Diddy Delight [Page Six]