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Whoa, bra. We were totally gonna post this photo from The New York Daily News website of some lady smoking a huge fatty promoting—get this, dude—'Health Central.'

Funny shit, right? But then we got high and snoozed on it. We're always messing stuff up like that. God, we gotta stop smoking so much kind.

Anyway, some total buzz-killer took the photo off of the site today, which as you might expect, killed our... um, buzz.

Wait, what were we talking about?

Oh, right, that Daily News pot thing. Um, luckily we took a screen cap of it yesterday and so we have it. Yeah, bra: We were thinking ahead. Dude, I'm laughing so hard, I'm snarfing my Fruiti Pebbles. Oh, man, that is so good.

Now, do us a favor, bra, and cue up Darkside of the Moon right when the MGM lion roars the third time before The Wizard of Oz. Let's get this Monday started right. What? It's Tuesday? Fuuuuuuck, bra.
New York Daily News [NYDN]