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We hate to dip into Craiglist a second time today, but if someone in Hollywood is desperate enough to issue a cry for help into cyberspace, it's our duty to help out however we can.

Actor here who has become pretty desperate....need a few pushes in the right direction, needs to get sag and a good manager or agent. good looking, talented, and am not going to play games. if interested and if you can help me directly give me a shout. please let me know what your position is in the industry. not interested in 'friend of a friend'. need direct only. serious here. late.

We'd offer to hook him up with chick who wants to be Harvey Weinstein, but from the section of Craiglist where this was posted, we're pretty sure he'd be a lot more interested in the real deal. On the other hand, he wouldn't be the first in this town to close his eyes and imagine he was furthering his career in his orifice of first choice.