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· THR chooses slow-retiring Paramount head Sherry Lansing as the winner of the first Sherry Lansing Leadership Award. They'll soon announce plans to change the name of their publication to Sherry!, with Lansing appearing on the cover each month in a new, sassy-yet-sensible outfit. [THR]
· Les Moonves declares CBS' November ratings victory a "watershed moment" And you laugh when we tell you he's going to conquer the planet in a bloody invasion? It begins... [Variety, sub. req'd.]
· SAG/AFTRA contract talks with producers will begin Monday. By Wednesday, we expect to find SAG negotiators curled up in the fetal position, murmuring about how they really didn't want a better deal anyway. [THR]
· So much for those crazy 20th/FBC swap rumors: Gary Newman and Dana Walden sign new contract to stay on as presidents of TCFTV. Well, maybe we shouldn't quite put the rumors to bed...they're all still in Murdoch's stable. [THR]
· Now that they've got Tom Hanks on board, Columbia announces that The Da Vinci Code will hit theaters on May 19th, 2006. Mark your calendars, when you buy them at the end of next year. [THR]