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· Paris Hilton dyes her platinum weave brown, thus reducing her skank factor, oh, not at all. [People]
· Australians are so freaking smart, and not just because they drink all day. Australia's branch of Virgin Mobile is offering a service that blocks you from making drunk dials. Sign our asses up. [Engadget]
· Now that they've effectively killed off their old staff, Miramax is look for some new serfs to fire. [[Monster]
· In their free time, Conde Nasties collect soda cans. Presumably for the much-needed extra nickels. [Free Williamsburg]
· Martha Stewart's Living mag still thrives: "For the nearly two million women and gay men reading the pretending-we're-in-no-way-connected-to-a-convicted-felon title, the namesake's sentence is doing wonders for luring in subscribers." [Jossip]