Let's clear something up, shall we? CBS anchor Dan Rather is not retiring because of MemoGate. No, Dan Rather is stepping down because he's because he's crazier than a bobcat in a barrel full of bandsaws:

Describing his love of CBS and CBS News, Rather observed in the interview last year: "In my mind and the minds of the people I work with, this is a magical, mystical kingdom — our version of Camelot. And we feel we are working at a kind of roundtable of King Arthur proportions. Now, it may be that this kingdom exists only in our minds. But that makes it no less real for those of us who live it every day."

And then there was this: "Ed Murrow's ghost is here. I've seen him and talked to him on the third floor of this building many times late at night. And I can tell you that he's watching over us."

And one time, Rather told of being blown by the ghost of Cronkite in a Black Rock broom closet... Of course, it took Rather two days to realize Cronkite isn't dead.
Humble Rather Earned Departure Fit For An Icon [THR via RatherBiased]