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· Just because you're famous doesn't mean you're above the Walk of Shame. Congrats to Pam Anderson for showing the world she did Stephen Dorff the night before. [Page Six]
· Nicky Hilton's ex-husband, Todd Meister, tells Lloyd Grove that he isn't using Nicky as comic relief and then ends the conversation with a solid, "Bye-bye." Um, what grown man (besides my dad) says "bye-bye?!" [Lowdown]
· Tara Reid begs Page Six to leave her alone, then identifies hockey star Sergei Federov as her new boyfriend. [Page Six]
· Duchess Sarah Ferguson spent the day after 9/11 ordering fancy lamps from Clary & Co. in the West Village. Retail therapy is still therapy, right? [R&M]
· Actor Dan Aykroyd spends his press junket railing against American consumerism. Fucking commie. [Scoop]