Sometimes, the Vogue machine veers off of its couture-laden path; an errant article about a humanitarian crisis or something as foreign as food will slip in amongst the pretty pages, and usually the results reflect little or no editorial understanding of, well, anything. So it comes as no surprise that art blogger Tyler Green's head nearly exploded upon reading about painter Elizabeth Peyton in an October issue of Vogue:

In this story, we learn that Peyton is sweetly stupid and that writer Dodie Kazanjian is way impressed with this. ("I ask her how it feels to have her painting become so widely accepted.") Oh, and we learn that Peyton wears a lot of Marc Jacobs clothes and that she has "an understated but stylish nonstyle." Which, if you read Vogue a lot, probably actually means something.

But as silly as Dodie's text is, it simply can't rival Peyton's silliness, nearly all of which is excitedly embraced by an apparently breathless Dodie. "I made some paintings of [Abraham Lincoln] the other day," Peyton tells Dodie. "I discovered he looks a lot like Cameron Diaz."

Stupidity Examined. But Whose? [Modern Art Notes]