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The disaster that is Alexander moves the anonymous troublemaker behind the Query Letters I Love blog to take a respite from posting the insane pitches of aspiring screenwriters to rail against Colin Farrell:

What more does Hollywood need to stop giving this guy jobs?


Girls don't like him. Guys don't like him. Young people don't know who he is. Old people don't know who he is.

EXECUTIVES: Stop hiring this loser. PLEASE!! What more proof do you need?

As disappointing as Alexander is, we're not going to join our fellow blogger in a call for a Farrell boycott. We merely ask that the publicists handling his next project up the ante with their next manufactured controversy. The "huge penis" flap kept us in material for a while, but the eunuch-fucking really didn't amount to much beyond the small joy of typing "eunuch-fucking" a few times. Maybe they can keep the heat on Farrell by staging an off-camera, drunken midget orgy during an upcoming movie shoot. We could really do something with that.