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· It was inevitable: Paris Hilton hooks up with Colin Farrell; now everyone in Hollywood has fucked each other via no more than 3 degrees of separation. [Gatecrasher]
· A new restaurant from the owners of gauche eatery Le Cirque is slated to open in the Bloomberg building next year. The best part? A nonunion shop! Yay! [Page Six]
· Supermodel Heidi Klum and singer Seal are openly discussing baby-making. [ELK]
· Did former Gucci guru Tom Ford unsuccessfully try to buy out Donatella Versace? Maybe he should've ponied up more powder than cash. [Page Six]
· Singer Beyonc Knowles' mother, Tina, fights with Tommy Hilfiger over whose clothes her daughter will wear. So many class issues in play here, we don't know where to start. [R&M]